Friday, June 1, 2007

The Joys of Active and Educated Parenthood

Mommy Academy’s Mom of the year Suzanne delos Santos is a mother of two wonderful children, 5 yr. old Angelo & 3 yr. old, Gwen. Her husband, Pierre works abroad---making her a full time single mom! Here she shares her struggles and joys and how MA Club has helped her in all her parenting needs.

On being a Full time Mom…

As per my husband's request, I resigned last June 2003 and I became full time Mom. Well it was really hard. We had no yaya so that mean’s only me and my hubby taking care of our kid’s and most of the time ME!

On becoming an MA Club member...

I got to know Mommy Academy thru the MA magazine which I was able to get in Maxibear, Maxitoylab or Big & Small, for minimum purchases. Then from that mag, I got to watch Mommy Acdemy at ABC 5. I eventually became very active and excited in pre-registering for MA events like the Pedia Talk Live and MA Kid Adventures. But, unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend most of these events as i was busy taking care of the kids alone.

Then came a chance…

Came the last quarter of 2005, i was able to get a part time yaya for the kids, so I took the advantage of having the chance to attend MA Kid Adventure, Balls of Fun at Adidas Sports Camp, October 2005, and the kid’s loved it!

From then on, I never missed any PTL, learning sessions, or MA Kid Adventure!
On being an active MA Club member…

Attending MA’s parenting events and learning sessions, It never fails to inspire and give me knowledge of being a good parent. What I mean here, is to be a better Mom. It's really hard especially when your hubby's out of the country, with the kids all depending on you. It's totally a headache, to take care of your children alone.
Mommy Academy gave me all the parenting guides I need plus the fun! Not mentioning the perks and freebies, what can I ask for more? That’s why I even volunteer and became really really active in participating with different MA events and anything that can be of help to Mommy Academy, I would appreciate it, because it has done so many things for me.

More power and God bless to all MA Team. May you never get tired of educating parents, especially Mothers like me.

Suzanne with hubby Pierre and kids Gwen and Gelo

MA CLUB: A helping hand for all you parenting needs!

Thus we make Parenting Fun & Easy!

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